Partnership & Exhibition
We would like to invite you to the 12th Congress of Aesthetic and Laser Medicine!
We would like to invite you to support the organization of the 12th Congress of Aesthetic and Laser Medicine 2025 as a Sponsor or an Exhibitor. You can apply for sponsorship packages/ opportunities and for space at the Exhibition Area.
If you would like to become a sponsor or exhibitor, please refer to the sponsorship prospectus available below.
If you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions of the partnership and the exhibition, please do not hesitate to contact:
Mrs. Lucie Vavra
Senior Sponsoring Manager
Cell phone: +420 607 651 876
GUARANT International spol. s r. o.
Českomoravská 19
190 00 Prague 9
+420 284 001 444
We would like to thank our partners for their support
Title Partner
Airmed s.r.o. is a young, dynamic, fast-growing company, but at the same time it has many years of experience gained during many years of practice in the field of medical technologies. Our main goal is to provide modern customer services, products of high quality and efficiency. Our cooperation with our clients includes fast, hassle-free warranty and post-warranty technical service. In the Czech and Slovak Republic we represent the brands Eufoton Endolift® – minimally invasive laser lifting and lipolysis, and Asclepion Laser Technologies – German quality, precision and efficiency with a long tradition.